The cultural proposals are all Galleria d’Arte III Millennio’s initiatives to study in depth the knowledge of contemporary art, literature, poetry, and to spread essaies and researchs about art history and recent events.

The Art Gallery “Galleria d'Arte III Millennio” is placed at Artists and Institutions disposal. The Art Gallery can plan solo and group exhibitions of paintings, sculptures, installations, performances, architecture.

The Art Gallery is Your reference point here in Venice, 70 meters long from Piazza San Marco. As well as a great prestige exhibition space sited into the heart of Venezia, completely supplied and lawful, the Art Gallery “Galleria d’Arte III Millennio” is able to provide a wide and well-constructed set of indispensable communication tools to plan successful exhibitions.

Our firm attends to plan public events of high artistic and cultural value. The firm is composed by experts and art scholars as well as staff experienced in public relation.

The Art Gallery is 70 meters long from Piazza San Marco, in a high turnout area. The Gallery's entrance is near to the pier "Riva di San Gallo n. 7" where you can dock with any kind of tranport boat or taxi. Great dimensions and high weight works of art can be loaded into the transport boat at the Tronchetto's docks and simply unloaded at the entrance of the Gallery.

The Architect Mr. Michelangelo Eremita designed the exhibition space using special solutions of refined design, to dedicate the space to contemporary art but respecting the history of place.

The Gallery is in front of Rio Terà de le Colonne's Campiello and it has three armored glass windows of Mt. 4,80 each. This windows give the possibility to prepare sets of strong emotional impact.

The Art Gallery "Galleria d'Arte III Millennio" has equipped walls to exhibit more than 50 paintings of medium format; easels and bases for sculptures, multifunction sliding panels and equipped shelfs; it has an all-around lighting system; cable radio system with radio microphone; audio system; air conditioning; water.

Dimensions: 7,5 linear meters shop-windows, 4,80 meters high; 29 meters of exhibition wall.

If You like this presentation do not esitate to contact us, we will give You more explanations also about the different supplementary services and about the total amount to organize the exhibition; contact.

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    map & logistics
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  • art gallery third millennium venice, interiors
  • art gallery third millennium venice, interiors
  • art gallery third millennium venice, interiors
  • art gallery third millennium venice, interiors

    large display surfaces
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    windows high mt. 4,80
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    a perfect setting
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  • art gallery third millennium venice, interiors

    one of the most modern exhibition spaces
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    highly central location
  • art gallery third millennium venice, interiors
  • art gallery third millennium venice, interiors
  • art gallery third millennium venice, interiors
  • art gallery third millennium venice, interiors
  • art gallery third millennium venice, interiors
  • art gallery third millennium venice, interiors
  • art gallery third millennium venice, interiors
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  • art gallery third millennium venice, external
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  • art gallery third millennium venice, external
  • art gallery third millennium venice, external
  • art gallery third millennium venice, external
  • art gallery third millennium venice, external
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