Rossella Fiorotto was born in Treviso on 1970.
She started to dedicated herlself to art on 2002, when she painted her first works. She has the aim to show to everybody what her mind was constantly watching and feeling.
Rossella feels her mind as a mirror that reflects images. She is able to reproduce these images on canvas applying herself with perseverance and concentration.
Then she has come to this result after ten years of meditation and practing in drawing. Rossella Fiorotto is proud of her drawings and is very happy about her artistic work. All Rossella's paintings are the exclusive result of her mind and of what she feels day after day.Rossella is very keen to point out that her works are the original result of her own mind.
Her works are abstract compositions that grow out from Rossella's mind perceptions. They are visual perceptions, visions, of which she is proud. But she does not say if these perceptions are pleasant or not, she says only that she loves drawing, she loves to put them on canvas.
The poet Andrea Zanzotto wrote a collection of poems titled "phosphenes", those vague phantoms of light that remain some second after you have close your eyes.
It seems that in that case we are in front of transposition of physical phenomenon into figurative art. Phantoms of light, echoes of movements of particles, that become true on the Rossella's canvas and that, sometimes, seem to recall the dynamism of some futurist paintings.