In occasion of the 55. Biennal of Art "The Encyclopedic Palace", there is the sixth edition of the Contemporary Art Group Exhibition Biennale di Venezia. We show italians and internationals artists.
The Art Gallery III Millennium is the first and only gallery that organizes events free from any political or propagandistic trend, leaving to the artist wide freedom of expression, into the crowded and varied artistic venetian panorama.
Every exhibition becomes a little "museum" of contemporary art and not only a simple "show". This difference is fundamental and essential. For the actual thing in fact the curator on duty is the real leading actor. He asserts his taste to the show like a designer. So the artist fades into the background.
In that case, even if there is the curator, artists are in the foreground. The curator's role is more complex and discrete. He has to present the work to public; he has to speak to and to decode and to link so as to arouse the curiosity and attention.
So the curator opens the debate and suggest the dialect. He is no more the provoker but the exhorter to the human sensivity variety. This is dialogue and not monotonous self-celebrating. We do not need acronyms.