Born in Tuscany, BLUE ( nickname of Rossella Mocerino ) lives in New York but frequently visits her inspirational city, Venice. She exhibits both in the USA and in Italy.
She says:
"My paintings are all about masks and being masked. And aren't we all in some kind of disguise ?
If not, you should hurry and find the one that fits you. Magic awaits you at every corner. I am passionate about art and Venice, and blue, of course.
Why the subject "masked" is at the center of my work.
I have noticed that we are always ready to judge our fellow human beings. At first glance, we have an impression of a person and that impression stays with us even when facts indicate the contrary. It is more difficult to judge if we are masked.
Many times one cannot even be sure of the sex of the masked figure. In this case the mask becomes a method of protection and a way to escape stereotypes.
And then I like the mystery created by mask wearing, the elegance of the costumes and to create characters that are not like the ones we see each day. One could say that my characters are always masked. I noticed that at first my figures wore masks but now the mask has become like a second skin. Maybe the element that makes us come back to earth are the eyes and those cannot be masked."
Rossella Mocerino has said something that reveals the deep reasons of her passion for masking.
The mask is a protection for the uniqueness. It is shareable, but you have to add also the historicist point of view that puts the mask into the Venezia's context.
The mask of Venezia does not represent devils or deities. It becomes human and has a social role. It is an instrument of prestige and of self-celebration. It is a time of no-rules, a time of transgression; but it is also time of debunking of evil, of horror, of death, of sickness.
The venetian mask has got over the redeeming illusion of divine and it acts voiceless the carnival songs of Lorenzo De' Medici: chi vuol esser lieto sia, di doman non c'è certezza...