Valeria Gubbati lives and works in Mestre ( Venezia ). She attended the Studies of Master Corrado Amadi, Master Millo Bortoluzzi, Master Bruno Saetti, Master Cesare De Toni. She is enrolled to the artistic movement "iosolismo" of the Cultural Association "Nabila Fluxus". She is into the Catalogue "Bolaffi Arte" and into the Italian Art Encyclopedia General Catalogue Artists from '900 to today. Works by Gubbati are published into the "Urbis et Artis" review of Art and Culture and Handicrafts.
Gubbati attended the nude course at the "Contatto" Gallery, taking part the the final exhibition; then she took part to the exhibition "the nude and the abstract" in Venezia.
Works of Valeria Gubbati was published in: Il Gazzettino Illustrato; La Nuova Venezia; Gente Veneta; Arte Triveneta; Il Secolo d'Italia.
She has benn exhibiting for several years, she participated to solo and group exhibition in Veneto and in many italian towns. Her works are into public and private collections. She took part to art competitions and art events as: Gazzera Prize, Zelarino Prize, Arcella Prize, Guttuso Prize, Archiutti Prize, always with success.
I particularly liked the painting of Valeria Gubbati.
I would like to set it as a graffiti. As soon as I saw reminded me Jean-Michel Basquiat, the same strength; even if it recalls the oceanic art. The artist with her painting leaves a warning.
The Basquiat's warning maybe was addressed to himself and his troubled life. The Gubbati's one recalls the present facts, difficult and contradictory times.
The Gubbati's Taonga is not properly a copy of a typical subject of oceanic art but it is a formal reference. The way of representation in fact gets over and puts it in a context of absolute contemporaneity where it can be an apotropaic symbol.